- Get your letter #1 back from yesterday that has been checked.
- Notations have been made of anything that you need to do differently on your next letters.
- Use your MERKEL letterhead to key the following letters from the keyboarding book. Remember to press new page command (CTRL+Enter) before you begin all letters after #1.
- p. 70--sample letter
- p. 71--Letter 1 (Open punctuation)
- p. 71--Letter 2 (Open punctuation)
- p. 72--Letter 3 (Mixed punctuation)
- Have another student review your letter formatting BEFORE you PRINT all of them. (Be sure your name & block are in the footer of the letterhead.)
- Turn in letters stapled in order.
- Do an Internet search for a NEWS article related to either "Identity Theft" or "Intellectual Property" and print it out. (Use the Print link in the online article so it will print ONLY the article and not all the other stuff on the page.)
- Keep your printed article; these will be summarized just like the "Wired for Convenience" article. (Due Friday--2/24)
- Complete any unfinished assignment from yesterday.
February 22, 2012
Computer Applications Assignments
Wednesday--Feb. 22